Cere AMA Recap Encrypt Club (12/16) — Introducing the Decentralized Data Cloud to China!

Cere Network
7 min readDec 17, 2020



“Although Christmas is approaching, the market is still very active. After showing signs of breakthrough yesterday, the market sprints to 20,000 usdt/BTC unexpectedly today. Maybe BTC’s price at 20,000 usdt doesn’t concern most people, but for those who have experienced the bull run in 2017, it really means a lot and allows us to announce the coming of the bull market. The project that will witness the history with us today is Cere Network, an project that has been highlighted since last year.

We are honored to have the CEO of Cere Network Fred Jin and Head of Marketing Martijn Broersma with us today, to share the very minds of why the team founded the project and their future plans.”

Thanks for coming, Fred and Martijn, can you introduce yourself to the group?

Self-introduction of Fred: I previously co-founded 50cubes, a Tencent backed gaming platform company that served millions of concurrent users from first to third party games. I also led the media initiative at Bebo, an early social network that was acquired by AOL. Previously I also held key engineering and product positions at silicon valley startups across various sectors such as enterprise, media, AI, and etc.

Self-introduction of Martijn: I’m Martijn, Head of Marketing @ Cere. Before joining Cere, I was COO of LTO Network. During my time at LTO, I played a big role in growing LTO Network into a top 10 most used blockchains worldwide, achieving the world’s highest blockchain adoption score. At Cere, I’m responsible for everything marketing/community-related, next to helping out the rest of the Cere management on fundraising and business development.

Q1: As a Binance Labs project that has been developed for more than a year, what has Cere been doing in the past year?

Fred:The past year, Cere has been working hard with its 35 person team on building the Decentralized Data and Finance cloud, pivoting its project narrative from ‘the decentralized CRM’ to ‘the decentralized Snowflake’.

Cere’s Decentralized Data Cloud allows big brands and enterprises to start establishing their own data ecosystems and first-party data strategies. Cere’s vision is to lead blockchain adoption for enterprises by using their own, unleashed customer data.

To achieve this, Cere built its network and customer data ecosystem to allow stakeholders to own their data with 100% control over who can use it and for what purpose in any particular context.

Demonstrating the urgent need for decentralized cloud solutions, Cere is already in the process of onboarding a number of Fortune 1000 clients and has received one web3 foundation grant, with another Web3 grant pending.

Q2: As there is no white paper on CERE official website, we have a limited understanding of the architecture of Cere Network. Could you give us a detailed introduction about Cere Network, such as what is Cere Network, what does it do, and the technical background and structure of it?

Fred: Cere is part of a consortium of projects such as Polkadot and Cosmos, united by the vision of cross-chain interoperability between blockchain networks, for the purpose of reaching the promised land of an inclusive, trustless, and infinitely scalable global decentralized ecosystem for enterprises.

Cere’s Decentralized Data Cloud is a blockchain-based data warehouse solution that is optimized for capturing user/app interactions that are individually signed and encrypted, along with potential value transfers, to be stored in a tamper-proof and time-capsule data scheme. This allows for the direct and secure decryption, validation, extraction, transformation, and (AI/ML) utilization of such data by trusted or trustless parties, automated processes, and decentralized data marketplaces.

Cere’s DDC data operations are configured to work directly with Cere test/main networks or with any other Polkadot/Substrate blockchain network.

Cere’s Decentralized Data Cloud facilitates plug-and-play customer onboarding that leverages identity abstraction technology, achieving the much sought-after GDPR & CCPA compliance for enterprises by design.

Q3:Cere Network was backed by prominent institutions that are very optimistic about its prospect. When will Cere Network launch its governance token? How will Cere Network govern itscommunity after the launch of its token?

Martijn: Foremost, $CERE is a utility token powering a transformative SaaS DeFi framework, fueling the Cere Open data Marketplaces and SaaS-DeFi ecosystem. Next to its utility role, the $CERE token is used for Proof-of-Stake consensus and network governance.

It’s a token that will facilitate real-world enterprise demand by mapping tokenization and ease of exchange to SaaS utility and fees (B2B), as well as business-to-consumer payments and value transfers (B2C).

The Cere team is in talks with all the big players in the TGE-sphere to launch the Cere token in the best environment for all stakeholders involved. More information on Cere’s TGE will follow in the coming weeks.

Q4:There are various centralized CRM solutions already. As a decentralized CRM solution, what’s the advantage of Cere Network over the centralized ones?

Martijn: Salesforce’s CRM was the original innovator in the enterprise data space. SalesForcecreated enterprise SaaS solutions that allowed for better data management, but at the same time created walled gardens that siloed data, making Salesforce inflexible to access for both customers and the businesses.

Snowflake was able to innovate on where Salesforce fell short, by providing a singular platform for data warehousing, accessing, engineering, analytics, applications, and marketplace.

Despite Snowflake’s technology already being conveyed as game-changing, Cere takes this new narrative a step further through anonymizing and encrypting customer data, which in turn can be exchanged with business partners and analyzed on Cere’s open and on-demand data marketplaces.

Where Snowflake is reliant on its competitors (Google, Amazon, Microsoft) for data storage, Cere’s neutrality in the form of decentralized data storage gives it another significant advantage over Snowflake.

Q5:I saw the concept of Cere SAAS DeFi on your official website, what is it and what is the difference between Cere SAAS DeFi and the current DeFi concept?

Martijn: There’s not really a difference between the two concepts. Cere’s Saas-DeFi can be seen as the foyer of DeFi for enterprises. It’s the bridge that maps a vast amount of enterprise dollars with the decentralized finance realm.

By connecting the corporate cash flow and assets that have already been on-boarded onto the Cere SaaS platform to the rapidly growing DeFi landscape, Cere SaaS-DeFi enables enterprises to better utilize their sidelined capital, optimize their financial operations, create frictionless payment experiences for their customer base, tapping into the supercharged liquidity of DeFi.

Cere achieves this by pioneering the Saas-DeFi bridge for smooth access and sustainable application of new financial instruments by enterprises in the DeFi space. SaaS DeFi on Cere will enable:

● Enterprise SaaS marketplaces

● Vendor-to-Vendor collaborations

● Leveraging accounts receivables (AR)

● Direct business/consumer payments

● Vouchers/Rewards staking for consumers

● Convert assets using the DEX/bridge

● Developer/analyst job marketplace

● Lending/borrowing by participants

● And much more..

Judy:Here comes our free QA session, our guest will choose 2 lucky questions to give a brief answer.

User1: How does Cere guarantee the security and privacy of user data?

Martijn: Cere DCC’s capture and store individually encrypted customer interaction data, along with value transactions to each user’s individual ledger and individual tamper-proof and time-capsuled data structures in IPFS clusters. This allows enterprises to capture customer journeys in individual ledgers for more personalized data intelligence operations, as well as the ability to share customer data on the open data marketplaces.

With Cere’s privacy tool, the Decentralized Data Viewer, enterprise apps can permit their users to look up all data collected in their tools. This way, Cere turns the classical blockchain privacy issues into a win/win for both enterprises and customers.

Via this novel onboarding process, customer data is guaranteed to be compliant with GDPR and CCPA privacy regulations, which is a major advantage for Cere over its competitors.

User2:Can you give us the very reason why Cere was funded by institutions like Web3 and Binance?

Martijn: Cere has been received very well by the Web3 Foundation. They are excited to see Cere Network innovating along the same vision of interoperable ecosystems to foster the next generation of DeFi and blockchain adoption. They see that Cere DDC can be extended to solutions that are being built on top of other Polkadot/Substrate chains as we speak, to further strengthen the Polkadot ecosystem.

Judy_EncryptClub Host: Thanks Fred and Martijn for joining our AMA and sharing so much valuable information with us. Thank you all for watching this AMA. EncryptClub will work hard and bring more wonderful content for you in future.

A big thanks to the wonderful EncryptClub for hosting this AMA. Looking forward to the next one!

About Cere Network

Cere Network is the first Decentralized Data Cloud platform in alliance with Polkadot optimized for service data integration and data collaboration. While most blockchains are simply distributed ledgers, the Cere DDC is built from the ground up to power the new generation of first party customer data ecosystems. While harnessing similar goals to that of cloud platforms like Snowflake, Cere DDC is delivering a new level of data privacy, data agility, and data interoperability. Cere Network is founded by Silicon Valley veterans with 20 years of experience from Amazon, Twitch, D-Link, and Bebo.

For more information, please visit https://cere.network or follow Cere Network on:

Telegram: https://t.me/cerenetwork_official

Medium: https://medium.com/@cere_network

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/cerenetwork



Cere Network

Decentralized Data Clusters for the AI era, secured by the Cere Blockchain Protocol